Medical Reasons Why Some People Feel Itchy After Bathing

 According to healthline Do you know there are a number of factors that might cause a person to feel itchy right after getting out of the shower? Some people report feeling worse after a bath or shower, despite the fact that these activities are meant to help them feel refreshed while also keeping them clean and free of germs.

This article examines the causes of itchy skin following a shower or bath and is based on an article published on Medical News Today. So, settle in, read this essay, and gain some knowledge.

Why Do Some People Get Itchy After a Shower?

The most prevalent cause of post-shower itchiness is dry skin. Itchy skin occurs when the body's natural skin oil that should keep it moist is stripped away by water and laundry products, leading to dry skin and a resulting itch. Itching is typically caused by dry skin, and if you can treat the underlying source of the dryness, the itchiness will disappear.

Eczema, a skin ailment caused by inflammation of the skin, can cause the body to become excessively dry. People with eczema, a persistent skin ailment characterized by intense itching and excessive skin dryness, often report that they scratch more when they've just gotten out of the shower. If you have eczema, the constant itching after a shower is a symptom of the condition.

Third, the laundry detergent you use could be the cause of your itchy skin after showering. After a shower, some scented laundry products, especially if used on a towel, might cause a person to experience an itchy sensation. Towel use after a bath or shower may therefore transmit some of the chemicals used in the production of the laundry items to the skin, triggering an itchy reaction.

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